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Kangaroos and Wallabies


Kangaroos and Wallabies can run into trouble with cars, pets and illness. If you come across an injured kangaroo or wallaby - don't approach it. Call our hotline immediately  - one of our rescuers will assist as soon as possible. Macropods can be extremely dangerous, especially when injured!


  • Stop and stare: If you can, please stay in the area and keep your eyes on the animal until we arrive. Kangaroos can only be rescued if we can locate them.

  • Leave a signal: If you have to leave, mark the area with a bag, some cloth - anything you have on hand helps! Try taking some photos of the area to send to our phone operators or mark the spot on your phone by "dropping a pin".

  • Pouch check: If you have found a deceased female please check for a joey by gently opening the pouch (see Pouch Checking Guide). If a joey is in the pouch PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE IT. Contact the rescue hotline if you haven't already done so.

  • Check the surrounds: Joeys can also be been bumped out of the pouch, or hiding in nearby bushes. Scan the area for movement and if you find a joey, call the hotline for advice.

  • What next? If the operator advises you to contain the joey, please keep it in a warm, dark, quiet place e.g. wrapped in a towel or sheet in a ventilated carrier while you transport it to the nearest vet or wait for a rescuer. If you go directly to the vet, please let the Rescue Hotline know which vet you have taken the joey to.

Please don't remove any joey from a pouch without the advice of a licensed wildlife carer - there is a knack to this, and can be easily injured. 

Please don't attempt to keep joeys as pets - they have complex needs and this can be a death sentence for them.

Common species in the Hunter Valley

Common species in he Hunter Valley

"Macropod" (from latin, meaning "large foot") is a term used to describe marsupials in the family Macropodidae - kangaroos and wallabies. There are around 52 recognised species of recent macropodids in Australia and New Guinea and, of these, at least five are extinct.
Macropods are ecosystem engineers, meaning that that contribute to the health of landscapes. They play a central role in the health and persistence of native ecosystems across Australia; spreading seeds, turning over and fertilising nutrient deficient soils. 


Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Affectionately known to us as "easties", these stoic animals are quintessential australian icons. They can be found grazing in open areas at dusk and dawn, surrounded by large, multi-generational mobs within which they form undeniable family bonds.


Orphaned easties are known to be big sooks, remaining "babies" until they're well over 10kg. Eastern greys are particularly susceptible to stress related illness, so if you pick up a joey - keeping them in a warm, dark and quiet environment is often life-saving.


Red-necked Wallaby

Rednecked wallabies or "rednecks" are much more compact than any kangaroo. They are distiniguishable by their size, reddish fur, a white line along their jaw and black muzzle. Both females and males have this colouring.


Rednecks are one of the cheekiest species in the macropod world. In care, they are pure mischeif and are experts at sniffing out trouble! In the wild, these wallabies may hang out in loose groups of a few individuals, but don't form "mobs" like eastern greys.


Swamp Wallaby

If you've ever caught a glimpse of the more reserved swamp wallaby in the wild, lucky you! This species is relatively shy and secretive - living in denser bushland & rainforest understorey. These wallabies are usually solitary - if you're going to go it alone, you have to be smart!


In care, "swampies" are little pocket rockets, and gain independence very quickly.


Common Wallaroo

Wallaroos look a bit like eastern grey kangaroos, but are stockier with course, shaggy fur. To the trained eye, they are easily recognisable by their nose (rhinarium) that is bare and black.

While in care, we often refer to wallaroos as "wallies", and they have a reputation for being extreme escape artists and parkour enthusiasts.


Red-necked Pademelon

Pademelons look a bit like rednecked wallabies if you put them in the dryer for too long. They are another shy, solitary species that forgage day and night in dense understorey.


In our area, paddies can be found in the vicinities of Barrington Tops NP and Wattagans NP.

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